Wednesday 1 October 2014

October Issue: Cabarets 🎉

Dear Reader,

Voilà! The final theme for October is 'Cabarets'. Now, some link this genre of spectacle to unholy clubs and degrading French cancan dances. - but it is not. It is an art like no other, and we will give you a taste of some crazy, Moulin Rouge-style, fashion. Makeup, as hauntingly beautiful as can be in cabarets, may outshine the rest of the issue (and give you ideas for Halloween *wink, wink*). To spoil you a little more, Toulouse-Lautrec, accompanied by his La Goulue & companie paintings, will be making an appearance, too. So it is time to take a seat, relax, and enjoy the show!


1. Podium of Crazy
(October 7th)

2. Saatchi Gallery: Go Before It's Too Late!
(October 14th)

3. The Women of Toulouse-Lautrec
(October 21st)

4. The Secret Mask of the Cabaret
(October 28th)

- S.

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